What? A Farmer's Market for Wine
When? Sundays 1p-4p
Where? Del Monte Square next to The Cannery
Why? To experience and purchase wine locally
How Much? Free to shop; $15 to sample wines
bring your SFWM wine tote & receive $5 off*
* A limited number of wine totes are available per season for purchases for $5 or given FREE with purchase of 4 or more bottles of wine at the SF Wine Market. Proceed from the sale of the wine carrier will support the wine market initiative and a portion will be donated to local charities and non-profit organizations supporting sustainable farming.
Tickets: Click here for 20% off sampling tickets
This Week's Market
The 2013 SF Wine Market season is closed. Look for us in 2014!
Wine Market Photo Gallery

"Go Green" getting to the market
Walk, bike or take public transportation to the market. Find out how.
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